Monday, September 8, 2014

Guest Post: Traveling with Melissa

An illustration Vicen's sister made for the 3 Amics

This post is written by Viçens Bruguera who has now accompanied me twice on my trip, once at my departure for the first week, and again recently with Nuri in Montana and Canada. I preface this translated post by saying that wrote the translation for Viçen's blog post. Translation is not my specialty, nor is it easy to translate a document about yourself written by a friend. I tried my best to keeps Viçens original voice and refrained from making any changes. Scroll to the bottom for the English version.

Melissa a una sortida del 2010 amb el CC Gràcia

Durant aquests anys hem compartit molts quilòmetres en bici però mai en un viatge amb alforges i puc dir que he tingut la sort de compartir amb ella aquest tipus de viatge i a més en el seu Gran viatge "The Loong way home" ... un viatge que com ella el defineix: "molt més que un viatge amb bicicleta. Per a mi, el viatge representa la culminació dels meus desitjos, inquietuds ... "

The 3 Amics: un bon equip

No existeix una definició tancada del que suposa ser un superheroi .Però hi ha un acord general a aplicar el terme a personatges amb poders o habilitats sobrehumanes o tecnològiques que dediquen els seus esforços a combatre el mal i protegir els innocents. Aquesta és una de les definicions que he trobat de superheroi per Internet i llegint-ho he associat amb Melissa.

Es real, de carn i ossos

Ella no és un personatge, és real, de carn i ossos, ho he pogut comprovar. Els seus poders són molt amplis. El que destaco més és la quantitat d'energia que irradia. Les seves habilitats són infinites. L'apartat tecnològic és on falla una mica més, però gràcies a les seves habilitats s'està sortint força bé en aquest viatge. Aquest any ha dedicat els seus esforços a créixer com a persona i a trobar alguns dels poders que havia perdut en aquests últims anys.

Em presento, Sóc Vicens, conec a Melissa del club ciclista de Gràcia (Barcelona) farà ja un 5 anys. El meu primer record d'ella és d'una noia que anava en bicicleta tota l'estona parlant, no parava, ni quan hi havia una gran pujada, ella seguia parlant. Actualment fa el mateix.

Sortim el 23 d'agost del 2013

He compartit amb ella la seva primera setmana. Sortim el 23 d'agost del 2013 i la vaig acompanyar fins a Niça. Per a mi era la primera vegada que realitzava un viatge amb alforges, ella era ja tota una experta en el tema però en solitari, mai havia fet cap viatge amb algú abans d'aquella data. Ens va costar uns quants dies adaptar l'un amb l'altre en la rutina d'aquest tipus de viatge però després de conèixer les nostres manies, ens vam adaptar a la perfecció. Llàstima que fos en els últims dies quan estàvem gaudint més del viatge. En el comiat de Niça vam comentar la possibilitat de tornar a trobar-nos i fer uns quants dies junts a l'estiu del 2014 pels EUA i així ha estat i aquest cop 2 setmanes i amb la companyia d'una altra companya de Club Ciclista, Núria. Aquesta vegada no ens ha costat adaptar-no ... els tres hem fet un bon equip i hem funcionat com una bona màquina

En una de la tantes converses que vam compartir en el viatge, Melissa em va dir ... T'atreveixes a fer un post sobre mi i la diferència que has trobat entre el primer viatge i el segon? ... Al principi vaig dubtar, vaig pensar sé si seré capaç, jo em defenso millor fent fotos que escrivint, però unes de les coses que he après de ella en aquest últim any és que qualsevol repte que es posi davant, encara que et costi, és afrontar-lo i acceptar-lo ... .Així que aquí estic escrivint ....

Nosaltres la primera setmana del viatje
Personalment no he notat grans canvis en ella, segueix sent una persona molt forta, positiva, curiosa.... segueix sent la Melissa de sempre, el que si he pogut observar és que no està tan obsessionada a organitzar les coses com tenir tot planificat com els seus dies i futur ...segurament ella no estarà d’acord amb mi ... però jo la veig gairebé igual, això si, molt més forta (mentalment com fisicament) i independent. Ella volia uns canvis a la seva vida i trencar la seva rutina i aquest viatge, The Loong Way Home, li ha servit per carregar les bateries fent el que més estima: el ciclisme, viatjar, aprendre, i l'ensenyament! Per poder afrontar després una nova etapa de la vida.

Una de les coses que m'ha sorprès de Melissa, és que les coses menys insignificants per a mi, per ella podia ser el més important. M'ha ensenyat a valorar les coses una altra vegada. Fa uns dies Andrew Hallan va publicar un article on identificava que Melissa era una persona de mentalitat de creixement (una definició d'un llibre Carol S. Dweck). Durant el seu viatge m'ha ensenyat el que és la Mentalitat de Creixement, ella és algú que enfronta els reptes, fa connexions, consegueix anar mes allà, i no accepta tot el que sigui “normal”.

Quan he tornat a Barcelona unes de les preguntes que em fa la gent és: Melissa està molt prima, no? És que a les fotos se la veu molt prima. Jo sempre contesto, si està molt prima però sana i menja moltíssim ... quan dic moltíssim és que devora els plats. L'he vist repetir fins a 3 vegades i perquè no hi havia més i després de sopar obrir el pot de Nutella i començar a devorar fins que li vam treure de les mans perquè ens quedàvem sense esmorzar. També és molt divertit els desitjos de menjar que té, com si fos una embarassada. Els seus sucs de tomàquets a mig matí perquè el seu cos li demanava sal.

Mmmmm....Que bó gelat! He de compartir aixo?
l'anècdota relacionada amb el menjar va ser en l'últim dia que vam fer ruta els 3, era una etapa de 140km per arribar a Jasper. Per a aquest dia no teníem encara allotjament per passar la nit. Quan vam Arribae a Jasper, a última hora de la tarda, Melissa ens va dir, ho sento nois però abans de posar-me a buscar allotjament necessito menjar. Si no , no estaré sociable i no podré concentrar-me en buscar lloc. Així que vam haver d'anar al supermercat i la compra va ser: gelat de litre i mig + “tableta” de xocolata amb crispetes + suc + fruita ...

I us preguntareu, On es fica tot això? ... En un matí ho ha cremat tot i més. Pedalejar amb una bici de 41kg és el que té ... molt desgast i quan no està sobre d'ella no pot estar quieta ni un moment, excursions, córrer.....

Melissa, Gràcies per compartir amb nosaltres el teu viatge i experiències

English Version

There is no closed definition of a superhero, but there is general agreement that refers to characters with superhuman powers or abilities or technological devices who devote their efforts to fight evil and protect the innocent. This is one of the definitions I found online while reading about superheroes and I associated it with Melissa.

She's the real deal, flesh and blood

She isn't a fictional character, she's the real deal, flesh and blood, I can attest to that. She has a wide range of powers, above all the amount of energy she exudes. Her abilities are endless. Although technology is not her specialty, she's actually doing quite well in that area on this trip. This year she has decided to expend her energy and efforts to grow as a person and find special powers that had disappeared in the last couple of years living in Barcelona.

Melissa during a ride in 2010 with the Gracia Cycling Club

I'll introduce myself, I'm Viçens, I've known her for just about 5 years from the Gracia Cycling Club in Barcelona. One of my first memories of her is riding her bike talking the entire time, she didn't stop, not even going up a big climb, she just kept on talking. Today, she's still the same!

During these past years, we've shared a lot of kilometers on the road, cycling, but we'd never traveled together as tour cyclists. I must say, I feel lucky to have shared this type of experience with her, her grand trip, “The Loong Way Home” …..a journey she defines as "much more than a bike trip. For me, the trip represents the culmination of desires, curiosities,....."

Melissa's departure August 23, 2013

We rode together during the first week of Melissa's trip. We left on August 23, 2013 and I rode with her to Nice, France. For me, it was my first trip as a tour cyclist, she was already an expert, but had only ever cycled alone until then. It took us a few days to figure out how to travel together, but once understood one another a bit better, we got in our groove, and adapted perfectly. When saying our good-bye's in Nice, we talked about meeting up the following summer in North America to travel together, and that is exactly what we did for two weeks along with Nuria, another one of our friends from the Gracia Cycling Club. This time round, we picked up from where we left off and traveled well together, the three of us made a good team, working together like a well oiled machine!

The 3 Amics, a good team
In one of our many conversations, Melissa asked me if I would be willing to write a blog post for her website, about my experience traveling with her back in France compared to now. At first I doubted myself, I didn't think I was capable of expressing myself in writing, I do that better taking pictures. However, one of the things I've learned best from Melissa during this last year is to embrace and accept any challenges I'm faced with despite being difficult. So there you have it, I'm writing the post!

During our first week on the road together
Personally, I didn't notice any big changes in her personality, she continues to be strong, positive, and curious, the same Melissa as always. However, what I did notice is that she isn't so worried or obsessed with planning and organizing things like her days, and the future. I'm sure Melissa doesn't agree with me, but she is the same at heart, but much stronger (both mentally and physically) and independent. She was looking for a way to change up her life and break the routine and this trip, The Loong Way Home, helped her do that, recharing her batteries so-to-speak, doing what she loves most: biking, traveling, learning, and teaching! She's ready to take on a new phase in her life after this trip.

One of the things that surprised me the most is something that I wouldn't have even noticed, but for Melissa it's of great importance. Melissa taught me to appreciate things again. As Andrew Hallan recently stated in his article about Melissa, he labeled her as having a “Growth Mindset” (a definition from Carol. S Dweck's book). During our trip together, she showed me that indeed she is someone who embraces challenges, makes connections, pushes through boundaries, and doesn't accepting the status quo.

Melissa always keeping up, just behind us in Canada

When I returned to Barcelona one of the questions people asked me is, "Does Melissa eat? She looks so thin in the photos?" I always tell them, she's thin, but healthy, and eats A LOT, trust me! I mean A LOT as in she devours everything on her plate in front of her. In some cases I even saw her go back for thirds and she would have gone back again, but there wasn't any food left for her. Then she would open a jar of Nutella and begin to eat that. We had to take it out of her hands or else she would eat our breakfast the next morning! She's got some funny food cravings, much like a pregnant woman, I suppose. When she needs salt, she chugs tomato juice and peanuts, when her body craves protein, she goes for cottage cheese. I'll never forget the last day the three of us rode together. We had a long day, 140 km to Jasper, Canada. When we arrived late in the evening and didn't have a place to stay. Melissa told us, "Sorry guys, before we look for a place, I have to eat! If not I'm not very social and won't be able to concentrate on finding a place!" So we went to the supermarket and bought some groceries: 1,5 liters of ice cream, a chocolate bar, chips, juice, and fruit.

Yuummm....Ice cream, do I really have to share this?
You might look at her and wonder, where does it all go? In just one morning, she's burned it all and more....You have to remember she's riding a bike that almost doubles her weight and that takes a lot of energy, and she's not one to sit still, even when she isn't pedaling she's always active, hiking, running.....

Melissa taught me how to trust in people again, to go out of my comfort zone to gain insight and knowledge. To look for challenges, a feel comfortable working through them, and failure isn't a setback, but rather an experience to learn from, and grow from it.

Melissa, thanks for sharing your trip and experiences with us!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your trip, Melissa and Vicens.
