(la versió Catalá está a baix)
Sadly, the 2013 Thomson Bike Tour season has come to an end for me! I have been incredibly fortunate to work with this wonderful company for the past two years and ride on 8 different tours. There are a lot of companies out there offering bike tours all over Europe, but I am convinced that there aren’t many who do it like Thomson Bike Tours. Peter Thomson has bike touring down to an art! The logistics behind his tours are flawless from color-coded excel spread sheets of the schedules to contacting the French police to get the inside scoop for the Tour de France, he’s thought of it all ahead of time to make the trip that much more enjoyable for his clients and employees! We also have great accommodations along the way, with delicious breakfast buffets and gourmet dinners. The vans are there to support you all along the ride to keep your fueled with bars, liquids, fresh fruits, and other goodies, and you always ride in good company! Not to mention he has an incredible hard working and knowledgeable team working for him all around the world, from the States, Europe, and Australia all with one common passion- to ride!
When I tell people about my summer job, it sparks a lot of envy and they are quick to say, “Wow, how lucky, you get paid to ride your bike!” I agree, I do feel lucky, but it is really HARD work! You are constantly “on” for a week at a time, from preparing the bikes, navigating familiar and unfamiliar European roads, leading a pace line and being responsible for a group of clients, climbing endless cols, and constantly socializing with your fellow team and clients. Rain, snow, or shine, you are always on your bike! “Do you ever have a bad day Melissa?” That was my favorite question from a client. It made me laugh because being a ride leader isn’t as easy as it looks, but I’m excited and appreciate the opportunity to cycle some of the most amazing roads in Europe in good company and that is enough to keep me pedaling. As many of you know, my philosophy is simple: I just ride!!! I have an excessive amount energy and lots of things on my mind and that fuels my rides and keeps my legs pedaling! I don’t work in terms of my heart rate, grade percentages, or altitude gain, I just pedal and enjoy the scenery and company. As you also know, I love to chit chat because I’m incredibly curious and enjoy meeting new people and hearing about their life experiences. For me, the job is a perfect match for my personality and interests!
Although the 2013 Thomson Bike Tour season has come to an end for me, I will hopefully be back ride leading after The Loong Way Home! Thank you TBT for another amazing season, the staff for all their support, and the clients for a lot of memorable rides! I LOVE THIS JOB!
The incredible support team!
How can you not LOVE these mountains!
-1 C on top,....nothing like a summer climb!
Stelvio, the 48 switchbacks!
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Passo Pordoi
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Passo de Gavia, after the Motirolo |
Desafortunadament, la temporada de Thomson Bike Tours 2013 s’ha acabat per a mi! He sigut molt afortunada de poder treballar amb una empresa tant increïble pels últims 2 anys, fent uns 8 tours amb ells. Hi ha moltes empreses que fan Tours per Europa, però estic convençuda que hi ha poques que ho fan com a Thomson. Peter Thomson fa els tours com si fossin un art! La logística es impecable, des dels horaris que estan organitzats amb colors diferents en excel, fins a les trucades que fa als Gendamaries per a saber com anirà el Tour de France durant un dia concret, s’ha pensat en tot prèviament per a què els seus clients i empleat poden gaudir del màxim del viatge. També tenim allotjament genial durant el viatge amb uns buffets d’esmorzar on pots posar-te tip I sopars de primera categoria. Els furgos et donen suport durant tota la ruta donant-te barres, líquids, fuita fresca, i mes, i mai estàs sol a la carretera. També cal dir que té un equip que treballa constantment arreu del món, des d'Europa, els Estats Units, i Austràlia, qui comparteix una passió- de gaudir de la bici.
Quan comento a la gent la meva feina de l’estiu, normalment normalment són una mica gelós i et diuen “Que guai, quina sort tens tú, et paguen per a anar en bici!” Estic d’acord, tinc molta sort per treballar amb ells, però si que es feina dura! Estàs constantment treballant, des de preparar les bicis, navegant carreterres conegudes i desconegudes a Europa, portant els relleus i ser responsible per un grup de clients, pujant mil ports, i sempre animant amb els clients i el teu equip. Pluja, neu, o sol, estás a la carreterra fent kilometres. “Melissa, semble que mai tens un ma día” Aixo es el comentari que em va quedar gravat al cap. Em va fer riure molt perque no es tan facil com se semble fer de “ride leader”, però agradeixo l’oportunitat de anar en bici per unes de les carreterres mes maques d’Europa amb bona companía i aixo em motiva per a seguir pedeleant! Com ja sabeu vosaltres, la meva filosofía amb l’esport es senzill: M’encanta pedelear!!! Tinc una cantidat d’energía increible i moltes coses al cap per a pensar, llavors aixo em dona prou per a fer kilometres i kilometres! No entenc aixo del ritme cardiac, els percentages de pujada, ni els metres de desnivell, simplement m’agrada anar en bici, veure el paisatge, i guadir de la bona compania! Com també sabeu, m’agrada anar xerrant mentres vaig en bici perqué soc apasionadament curiosa i aixi puc aprendre de la gent i les seves experiencies a la vida! Per a mi, fer de “ride leader” es la feina perfecte per la meva personalidat e interesos.
Encara que s’ha acabat la temporada de 2013 de Thomson Bike Tours, espero tornar despres de “The Loong Way Home” Gracies a TBT per un algre temporada increible, el equip per a tot el seu apoyo, i els clients per a les rutes inovidables. M’ENCANTA AQUESTA FEINA!!!
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